Git — the stupid content tracker
1. Git Config
Get and set repository or global options
git config --global [user_name]
git config --global [user_email]Example:
git config --global "leegroup"
git config --global ""
2. Git Init
Create an empty Git repository or reinitialize an existing one
git init [-b <branch-name> | --initial-branch=<branch-name>]
Default branch: masterExample
git init
git init -b develop // Since git version 2.28.0
git init --initial-branch=develop // Since git version 2.28.0
3. Git Clone
Clone a repository into a new directory
git clone [url] [directory_name]// clone current repo
git clone -l [-sn] . ../[clone_directory_name]Example:
git clone machine_learning_kitgit clone -l -n . ../repo-copy
4. Git Branch
List, create, or delete branches
git branch // Show local branch
git branch -r // Show remote branch
git branch -D [branch_name] // Delete branch
git branch -M [branch_name] // Rename branch
git branch [new_branch_name] [origin_branch_name] // create a branch
git branch -C [new_branch_name] // Create a branch base on current// Set current local branch links to remote branch
git branch --set-upstream-to=origin/[branch_name] [branch_name]
5. Git Checkout
Switch branches or restore working tree files
git checkout -b [branch_name] // Create branch_name base on current
git checkout -B [branch_name] // Create or Switch to branch_name base on current
git checkout [branch_name] // Switch to branch_namegit checkout HEAD~2 build.gradle // Revert build.gradle 2 version// Revert build.gradle 2 version base on feature_A branch
git checkout feature_A~2 build.gradlegit checkout build.gradle // Revert build.gradle to current
git checkout -- '*.kt' // Revert all 'kt' file
6. Git reset
git reset // Undo add
git reset -- "*.kt" // Undo add all 'kt' file
git reset --hard // Reset all changed filesgit reset --soft HEAD^ // Move HEAD to previous commit, keep changesgit reset --hard HEAD~3 // Revert 3 commits
7. Git log
Show commit logs
git log // Show commits log
git log --oneline // Show each commit by one line
git log --pretty=format:'%s' // Show commit message
git log -n // Show last n commits// Show commit content not in develop branch
git log --cherry --pretty=format:'%s' origin/develop..[branch_name]// Show git history
git reflog | grep [some_thing]
8. Git Add/Remove/
Add file contents to the index
git add [filename]
git add . // Add all file in current directory
git add -A [--all] // Add all file in repogit rm [filename]
git rm '*.kt' // remove all 'kt' file in current directory
9. Git commit
Record changes to the repository
// New commit
git commit -m [commit_message]// combine the last commit with current commit
git commit --amend -m [commit_message]
10. Git push/pull/fetch
Fetch from and integrate with another repository or a local branch
git pull
git pull origin// Merge featureA into current branch
git pull origin featureAgit fetch [remote_name] // git fetch origin
git fetch --allgit push [remote_name] // git push origin
git push [remote_name] [branch_name] // push to a branch on remote// A handy way to push the current branch to the same name on the remote.
git push origin HEAD
git push
git push origin
Hope this helpful to you!!!